Freedom from Fear: Eleanor Roosevelt:"Do one thing every day that scares you." The White House recommended inoculation against fear. "Get the Sense of the D with D-Sense: Desensitization."

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Love this thanks!

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As a UK observer, I've been struck by the obsession of some prominent US Republicans with the "dangers to freedom" supposedly posed by immigrants and the "Deep State".

Very much agree with the current Framelab post that progressive politics (globally, not just in the US) needs to reclaim the debate on freedom as its own "natural" territory. That will likely prove difficult if movable voters get their info mostly from social media - where there seems a huge effort (well-funded by rightwing networks and propelled by bad actors) to push the rightwing populist messages of fear.

In a long Guardian article titled "The free speech panic: how the right concocted a crisis", William Davies argued that both the UK and US right have recently focused on "free speech vs censorship" as one of their main battlegrounds. He says this is for demographic reasons - conservatives are basically losing ground among young people. The concocted censorship scare invokes the bogey-entities of "Deep State" and "woke liberals". It seems a strangely narrow, conspiracy-theory fueled message.

Countering that, Dr Lakoff's more expansive take on real-world (and now digital/online) freedoms as integral to progressive politics, in so many important areas, should connect with moveable voters - but only if strongly and repeatedly voiced. There's a lot at stake - and not just in the US!

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I caution against use of the term 'freedom'. MAGA, Trump and the R's have co-opted the term.

When people hear or read 'freedom', it reinforces gun rights, parents ability to ban books in schools, taking public dollars to fund private schools-giving families the 'freedom' to choose; I am pro choice and I see the reproductive freedom choice of language failing to influence or reinforce people.

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While I agree with what Mr B is doing about "freedom" in this country, unfortunately he is using tax dollars from many citizens to offer the "freedom from life" to their family and friends in Gaza.

He continues to put to much emphasis on supporting the Merchants of Death Industry and the killing of people abroad.

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The list of "freedoms" must be shared far and wide rather than at the end of a long piece that mostly supporters are only reading now. Ironically the undecided are described as tik tokers and you tubers... so get this on these formats with some "influencers"

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Thanks for this. Will the Biden admin not hear from Dr Lakoff? There must be a path to their ears. Thanks for the practical messages to share

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Yes. You are absolutely correct. The values that define and inspire folks to fight for democracy are written on the heart, not slogans on a hat. The human heart desires freedom and justice. People need ideals. Without something bigger than "me, me, me," human beings descend into Golums desperately clutching "Their Precious" to them without thinking of anyone else. A better world is possible, but those of us who believe that certainly have our work cut out for us.

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Thank you, Jessica. This is excellent. I'll be in Montana all summer and this will really help me talk to my conservative neighbors without turning them off. I've been searching for ways to do this and this "framing" is a great way to start.

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At the Primary polls in Vermont, where I worked handing ballots out, I witnessed women who came with their husband. Several paused when I quietly asked them Dem or Rep ballot… they looked uncomfortable when they eventually said Rep as their husband stared them down. I witnessed women without the freedom to vote how THEY wanted…

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