THIS post today is a simple and very clear introduction to framing! IMHO, this site often addresses "messaging" or a position on a singular issue like gun control, abortion or immigration. Liberals lose because we have no singular frame which easily ties together all (or most) of our concerns.

Today, I will introduce the frame of Democracy and tie this bedrock institution to a "Democracy Economy" or "Democracy Capitalism." The term Democratic Capitalism is in use, but I feel it can be misconstrued as tied to the one political party, the Democratic Party.

Democracy. Capitalism. Two things. NOT the same.

Democracy comes first in the minds of liberals. Capitalism and "Free Market Capitalism" is primary for conservatives.

The left MUST distinguish between 1) our bedrock form of government - Democracy and 2) capitalism, or economics. Government and economics are NOT the same thing. The right was brilliant enough, 40 years ago, to create the frame "Free Market Capitalism," by marrying two completely separate issues of "Freedom: and "Capitalism."

Liberals have been lost to define our sense of the role of both government AND economics or capitalism.

Today, Democracy is the KEY ingredient of liberalism because basic rights are being assailed by a religious idolatry from conservatives. HOWEVER, basic economic rights have never been asserted by any political ideology in this society. Liberals and the left would greatly benefit by wedding together all of our social ills to the lack of a Democracy Capitalism.

Pres. Biden has termed his ideology "Bidenomics," while basically demanding that Democracy establish healthy guidelines for our economy and capitalism. Biden is ALREADY successfully using Democracy Capitalism, by using the power of the presidency to bolster basic human and civil rights while diminishing the excesses of capitalism.

Democracy must be THE guiding principle to our economics and capitalism to insure "liberty and justice for all," the basic tenet of our Pledge of Allegiance.

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George, you wanna have your name at the top FrameLab means nothing to me if you want me to read this

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