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Dr. Lakoff takes your questions on framing and reframing as social change
For those of you participating in the virtual book club for “The ALL NEW Don’t Think of An Elephant: Know Your Values and Frame the Debate”: The question period is now open for the introduction and Part 1 of the book.
The introduction focuses on how “reframing is social change” and provides some basic information on the concept of framing.
Facts matter enormously, but to be meaningful they must be framed in terms of their moral importance. Remember, you can only understand what the frames in your brain allow you to understand. If the facts don’t fit the frames in your brain, the frames in your brain stay and the facts are ignored or challenged or belittled.
Part 1 consists of “Framing 101: Theory and Application.” It contains background on the moral structures that differentiate conservative and progressive framing. It also provides concrete examples of how framing has been used to great effect in American politics and examines how and why such framing works.
When you are arguing against the other side, do not use their language. Their language picks out a frame – and it won’t be the frame you want.
A reminder on how the virtual book club works:
1) Read the materials!
2) Submit any questions or comments via Substack comments, Facebook comments or Twitter comments. Please specify if you would like us to use your name if we respond to your question.
3) Questions will be answered via this Substack newsletter (and in a special episode of the FrameLab podcast).
It’s that easy! We will be taking questions on the introduction and Part 1 until Friday. So there’s still time to do the reading if you haven’t already. (The book is available to buy in many books stores and through outlets like Bookshop, East Bay Booksellers, Powell’s and Amazon. Or you can support your local bookstore or public library, which may even offer a free e-book or audiobook for use.)
Looking forward to your questions,
George and Gil